I sat with the women employed by our job creation program this past June.  Normally, when I'm there, they want me to teach lessons from God's Word.  I love teaching and sharing truths about God through His word.  This time though, I sensed I was to listen to what they had been learning in the past couple months.  We sat on the floor in a circle, like we always do.  I asked each one to share with all of us what they had been learning about Jesus and their faith in Him.  To say their responses completely floored me, would be a massive understatement. 

Right off the bat, Lee shared how she had been learning about prayer. Through teaching from our in-country director, Leakhena, Lee learned how to pray and how to pray with power. Lee shared about a night when her daughter had a very high fever and was a pretty sick little girl. Worried like all mothers, Lee felt she would have to find a way to get to a clinic the next day so she could get medicine for her daughter -- not an easy feat when you live in a remote village. Then, she remembered the teaching about prayer, specifically prayer for healing. She knelt beside her daughter, placed her hands on her daughter's head, and began praying, in Jesus Name, for healing. She asked Jesus to come that night and miraculously heal her daughter completely. Within the hour, her daughter's fever broke and she was able to finally sleep. There was no longer a need for a doctor.

After Lee finished, Te jumped in to share . She too had a sick child and decided she would lay her hands on him and pray, by the power and blood of Jesus, that he would be healed. Again. his sickness seemed to just vanish and the Healer did some powerful healing.

Another woman shared a similar story of healing as the stories continued.

The uneasiness in my mind grew as each woman shared about healing. I found myself smiling on the outside, and even saying: "Praise Jesus". But inside a battle was forming as I desperately felt the need to protect. I fought the urges to tell the ladies that sometimes Jesus says 'no'. Sometimes, He decides to allow the sickness for His glory. This battle in my heart wanted to shield them from the possible disappointment and heartache that might come if Jesus did not heal. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit did not let me speak these things.

What happened next is a powerful life lesson God used to break my prideful heart. Another lady, Peap, began to share about her crops. She and her husband had planted seeds and were waiting for rain so they would sprout. Peap decided to pray and ask God to send rain, just for a day or two, until the seeds could sprout. Her husband mocked her and said: "Why do you pray to God for this? He won't listen." Peap's response changed me. It taught me a huge lesson on the theology of God. Peap replied: "I am the daughter of God. As His precious daughter, I am asking Him to send rain. He is able to do that. But even if He chooses not to send rain, I will still trust Him. I am asking Him as my Father to send rain for His daughter, and I will trust whatever He decides. He is God and He will decide what He wants." Hours later, the rain fell.

The tears rolled down my cheeks as I listened to Peap share.  The Holy Spirit used her words to confront my own heart.  Who was I to think I needed to protect these women from their loving Father?  His plans are for their good, not for evil.  Why did I think I needed to protect any of them from His answers, His gifts, or His choices?  Peap's theology, and the theology of the women in the Landmine Design program was something God was teaching them.  He didn't need my help to educate them about His heart.  He certainly had firm control on it all and would continue to care for them way better than I ever possibly could. 

I learned theology -- the study of the nature/character of God -- is something that God is doing with and without my help.  In fact, He's using women in a remote village to challenge my heart and my own theology.  What a good Father!  All praise to Him. 

Thanks for reading...and for joining in prayer as God continues His work!


Bath Time!!  Lee giving two of her kids baths!

Here are our Landmine Design women praying and laying hands on sweet Chan who was very sick and carried an IV to work with her.  The power of prayer at work among the sweetest village ladies!  Oh, and Jesus healed her!

Couldn't find a picture of Te and her son, but here's one with the two of us (along with a cute school girl)! 

The Landmine Design circle.  I can't help but notice the children at the door listening in on the powerful works of God in the lives of the women!