As our Change the Cycle Campaign was just getting rolling this week, I opened my Facebook personal page to see a memory pop up from ten years ago. It stopped me in my track

It is this picture of my daughter holding a sweet little Cambodian girl from 2009. As I looked at the little girl, I thought: "Oh my goodness, is that Naa?". Enlarging the picture, I knew it was indeed Naa, maybe a three year old at the time. The significance of that picture and the timing of the memory popping up this week is something I just can't ignore. It feels sacred, timely and holy.

You see, this picture shows little Naa during our very first time in Cambodia ten years ago. It was our first day ever in the Minefield Village -- a place where God has since led us as an organization establishing many of the things you've been reading about and watching during our Campaign this week. The picture was snapped the first time we shared with Naa and the other children about their Creator and the fact that He loves them intensely and has a plan for their lives. If you look close, you can see Naa holding crayons. They were handed out to all the children to color paper dolls (you can see those paper dolls on the bottom left of the picture. These children had never seen crayons before and had no idea how to even hold them.

Looking at that sweet picture of Naa brought the weight of this week to my heart. While we have been working hard to tell the stories of what God is doing to change cycles in Cambodia, this picture reminded me that God is working to change eternity as well. Naa first learned about her Creator 10 years ago when she sat in my daughter's lap learning about Him through our team. Since that time, Naa has been a part of several VBS programs (hosted by so many caring short term mission teams). In each of these VBS', Naa learned about the God who created her, sent His Son to die for her, and loves her! It was during one of these programs that little Naa raised her hand and asked Jesus to come into her heart. She chose to be baptized in a dirty pond in that same village.

I look at this picture and can't stop the tears from forming. Just 18 months ago, Naa was climbing a tree to get fruit, something her parents told her not to do. She was bit by a poisonous snake. Fearful her parents would be angry, she didn't tell them. The venom seeped into her blood stream and by the time one of Naa's friends told her parents what had happened, it was too late. Naa died a few hours later.

The tragedy in the loss of Naa's life has been far reaching -- for her family, for her friends, and for our organization. The pain her family feels is unimaginable and far too sacred to remotely express here.

But, as I looked at that picture this week, I thought how amazing it was! Out of all the memories that could have surfaced 'randomly' on my personal page, it was this picture that popped up. It was as if God reminded me that His work is changing cycles right now AND for eternity. Naa's life was completely changed because of what she experienced while she lived on this side of forever. And now, Naa's eternity is completely changed as she dances with her Creator free of pain, hunger, and all the cycles of poverty. We couldn't be more grateful to be a part of His work to change cycles both now and forever!

So as we end this Campaign, I am boldly asking you to be a part of it with us! We have been working to share the stories of what God is doing; those have been such an honor to share. The truth is, we need people to join us in this campaign to change cycles. Would you stop right now, pray, and decide to become a part of our work? Whether you've given in the past, are a current donor, or have never given to LightBridge before, would you give today? Would you give above and beyond what you normally give? If you've never given, would you give for the first time? Would you join with us to change cycles for the sake of the Kingdom...both here on earth and for eternity?

And for those of you who have given this week and already chosen to be a part of this specific online campaign, THANK YOU!! We are so grateful for your partnership in seeing cycles of poverty shatter because of the power of the Cross...both now and for eternity!