Be a part of the war against human trafficking & poverty
The needs and risks for the vulnerable – the orphan, the poor, & the exploited – are massive, and growing.
Together, we can bring change that will last a lifetime…
Abject Poverty, hunger, illiteracy, addiction, and hopelessness create a chasm of despair centered on the most endangered in Cambodia and Thailand. It is here traffickers find their prey.
At LightBridge, partnering with compassionate people has become the fuel to combat human trafficking and foster radical change in the lives of vulnerable people since 2006.
Some of what we accomplished in the last year,
partnering with donors like you…

Join us to create lasting change in one of the most humanly trafficked borders in the world…
We call Borey the Cambodian Mother Teresa. As the director of our school in the slums of Poi Pet, Borey has an enormous heart especially for children. Not only does she operate the slums school,….
I came face to face with exploitation today. It was in the weary face of a 43 year old widowed mom of three boys, named Aya.
I sat with the women employed by our job creation program this past June. Normally, when I'm there, they want me to teach lessons from God's Word. I love teaching and sharing truths about God through His word…
To be honest, Cambodia is not a place I love to visit so often. Most times, it takes me out of my physical comfort zone -- hot weather, jet lag, strange food, strange bugs, strange smells…
Can I just speak frankly here? As a non-profit organization hosting short-term mission teams, I have read more than my fair share of articles, books and posts speaking against short-term missions…
As our Change the Cycle Campaign was just getting rolling this week, I opened my Facebook personal page to see a memory pop up from ten years ago. It stopped me in my tracks…